0 komentar- Penambahan jumlah softswitch yang saat ini hanya dimiliki 2 buah kotabesar saja yaitu d Jakarta & Surabaya
- Pada layer transport backbone menggunakan core router/network, transmisi backbone
- Pada layer transport regional menggunakan Metro Ethernet
- Pada layer access network menggunakan MSAN/AGW, GPON/FTTX
Diposting oleh rizky.pratomo di 21.45
0 komentar- Mengenkapsulasi dan transport protoko pensinyalan PSTN (SS7) menggunakan SIgtran untuk MGC-F atau SGF lainnya
- Untuk jaringan mobile, mengenkapsulasi dan transport protokol PSTM/PLMN (SS7) menggunakan Sigtran ke MGC-F atau SGF lainnya
- Satu SG-F dapat melayani bermacam-macam MGC-F
- Dapat digunakan pada protokol yang meliputi : Sigtran, SUA, dan M3UA over SCTP
Diposting oleh rizky.pratomo di 21.41
0 komentarSCCP = Signalling Connection Control Part
TCAP = Transaction Capability Application Part
INAP = Intelligent Network Application Part
TUP = Telephone User Part
DUP = Data User Part
MAP = Mobile Application Part
ISUP = ISDN User Part
SCTP = Stream Control Transmission Protocol
SUA = SCCP User Adaptation
M3UA = MTP layer r User Adaptation
Diposting oleh rizky.pratomo di 21.35
0 komentarMegaco Stack Protocol : MG, MGC, IP (TCP/UDP), ATM (AAL5, MTP3B, SAAL)
Sigtran Stack Protocol : M2PA, M2UA, M3UA, SUA, SCTP
Diposting oleh rizky.pratomo di 21.26
0 komentar1. Transport Plane
- Responsible transport of messages (call signaling, call and media setup, or media) across the VoIP network.
- Transport mechanism(s) for these messages based on any technology that satisfies the requirements for carrying these types of traffic.
- Provides access for signaling and media with external networks, or terminals to VoIP networks.
- Transport Plane devices and functions are controlled by Call Control & Signaling Plane.
- The transport plane is further divided into three domains:
- IP Transport Domain :
- Interworking Domain;
- Non-IP Access Domain
2. Call Control & Signaling Plane
- It controls the major elements of the VoIP network, especially in the Transport Plane.
- Carry out call control based on signaling messages received from the Transport Plane, handle establishment and teardown of media connections across the VoIP network by controlling components in the Transport Plane.
3. Service & Application Plane
- Provides the control, logic and execution of one or more services or applications in a VoIP network.
- Control the flow of a call based on the service execution logic. They achieve this by communication with devices in the Call Control & Signaling Plane.
- Service & App Plane consists of devices like :
- Application Servers and
- Feature Servers.
4. Management Plane
It functions such as :
- Subscriber and service provisioning,
- Operational support,
- Billing and
- Other network management tasks are handled.
It can interact with any or all of the other three planes through industry standard (e.g. SNMP) or proprietary protocols and APIs
Diposting oleh rizky.pratomo di 21.19
0 komentar1. Media Gateway Controller Function
(MGC-F) a.k.a. Call Agent or Call Controller
Provides the call state machine for endpoints. Its primary role is to provide the call logic and call control signaling for one or more media gateways.
2). Call Agent Function (CA-F) and 3) Interworking Function (IW-F)
CA-F and IW-F are subsets of the MGC-F.
- CA-F exists when the MGC-F handles call control and call state maintenance. Examples of CA-F protocols and APIs include :
- SIP, SIP-T, BICC, H.323, Q.931, Q.SIG, INAP, ISUP, TCAP, BSSAP, RANAP, MAP and CAP (mobile)
- Open APIs (JAIN, Parlay, etc.)
- IW-F exists when the MGC-F performs signaling interaction between different signaling networks (e.g. SS7 and SIP). Examples of IW-F protocols include H.323/SIP
4). Call Routing and 5). Accounting Functions (R-F/A-F)
- R-F provides call routing information to the MGC-F, while the
- A-F :
- collects call accounting information for billing purposes. A-F can also
- have a broader role embodied by the common AAA functionality (authentication, authorization and accounting) in remote access networks.
6). SIP Proxy Server Function (SPS-F)
- The most common embodiment of the R-F and A-F is as a SIP Proxy Server. For this reason, the ISC recognizes a separate SIP Proxy Server Function (SPS-F).
7). Signaling Gateway Function (SG-F) and
8). AccessGatewaySignaling Function (AGS-F)
- SG-F provides a gateway for signaling between a VoIP network and the PSTN, whether SS7/TDM- or BICC/ATM-based. For wireless mobile networks, the SG-F also provides a gateway for signaling between an IP-based mobile core network and PLMN that is based on either SS7/TDM or BICC/ATM.
The primary role of the SG-F is to encapsulate and transport PSTN (ISUP or INAP) or PLMN (MAP or CAP) signaling protocols over IP.
- AGS-F provides a gateway for signaling between a VoIP network and circuit-switched access network, whether V5- or ISDN-based.
- 9). Application Server Function (AS-F)
- The AS-F is the application execution entity. Its primary role is to provide the service logic and execution for one or more applications and/or services
10). Service Control Function (SC-F)
- SC-F exists when the AS-F controls the service logic of a function.
11). Media Gateway Function: (MG-F)
- MG-F interfaces the IP network with an access endpoint or network trunk, or a collection of endpoints and/or trunks
12. Media Server Function (MS-F)
- The MS-F provides media manipulation and treatment of a packetized media stream on behalf of any applications. Its primary role is to operate as a server that handles requests from the AS-F or MGC-F for performing media processing on packetized media streams.
Diposting oleh rizky.pratomo di 21.07
0 komentarTransport stratum functions
The transport stratum functions include :
- transport functions and
- transport control functions
1. Transport functions
- Provide the connectivity for all components and physically separated functions within the NGN.
- Provide support for the transfer of media information,
- as well as the transfer of control and management information.
- Transport functions include :
- access network functions,
- edge functions,
- core transport functions, and
- gateway functions.
2. Transport control functions
The Transport control functions include :
- Resource and Admission Control Functions and
- Network Attachment Control Functions.
Resource and Admission Control Functions (RACF), provide :
- QoS control (including resource reservation, admission control and gate control), NAPT and/or FW traversal control Functions over access and core transport networks.
- Admission control involves checking authorisation based on user profiles, SLAs, operator specific policy rules, service priority, and resource availability within access and core transport.
Network Attachment Control Functions (NACF)
- Provide registration at the access level and initialization of end-user functions for accessing NGN services.
- These functions provide network-level identification/ authentication, manage the IP address space of the access network, and authenticate access sessions.
3.Transport user profile function
- database user
- This abstract representation of the functional grouping in the service stratum includes the Service control functions and the Application/ Service support functions, as well as service user profiles
Service control functions
- The Service control functions include both session and non-session control, registration, and authentication and authorization functions at the service level. They can also include functions for controlling media resources, i.e., specialized resources and gateways at the service-signalling level.
Application/Service support functions
- The Application/Service support functions include functions such as the gateway, registration, authentication and authorization functions at the application level.
Service user profile functions
- The service user profile functions represent the combination of user information and other control data into a single user profile function in the service stratum, in the form of a functional database. This functional database may be specified and implemented as a set of cooperating databases with functionalities residing in any part of the NGN.
3. End-user functions
No assumptions are made about the diverse end-user interfaces and end-user networks that may be connected to the NGN access network. Different categories of end-user equipment are supported in the NGN, from single-line legacy telephones to complex corporate networks. End-user equipment may be either mobile or fixed.
Diposting oleh rizky.pratomo di 20.59
0 komentar
1. Media Gateway Controller (MGC) atau Call Agent
MGC atau Call Agent adalah elemen utama softswitch, berfungsi untuk mengontrol semua sesi layanan dan komunikasi, mengatur interaksi elemen-elemen jaringan yang lain, dan menjembatani jaringan dengan karakteristik yang berbeda, yakni termasuk PSTN, SS7, dan jaringan IP. Antara MGC saling berhubungan dengan protocol SIP-T.
2. Signalling Gateway (SG)
Signalling gateway (SG) menciptakan suatu jembatan antara jaringan SS7 dengan jaringan IP dibawah kendali dari MGC.SG hanya menangani pensinyalan SS7,sedangkan MGC menangani sirkuit suara yang telah dibangun oleh mekanisme pensinyalan SS7.
3. Media Gateway (MG)
Media gateway berfungsi sebagai elemen transport untuk merutekan trafik dalam jaringan softswitch dan juga mengirim atau menerima trafik dari jaringan lain yang berbeda, seperti PSTN,PLMN, VoIP H.323, dan jaringan akses pelanggan. Media gateway terbagi menjadi trunk gateway dan access gateway
• Trunk gateway adalah mediagateway yang menjalankan fungsi media bagi softswitch class 4, yaitu merutekan trafik dari jaringan PSTN/PLMN (jaringan mobile).Trunk gateway akan melakukan proses konversi terhadap format transmisi jaringan terhubung yang berbeda beda, baik format sinyalt rafik maupun signalling atau protokolnya.
• Access gateway adalah media gateway yang menjalankan fungsi media bagi softswitch class 5 untuk menghubungkan softswitch dengan jaringan korporasi atau terminal pelanggan (CPE).
Antara MG dengan MGC saling berhubungan dengan protocol Megaco atau MGCP(Media Gateway Control Protokol).
4. Media Server
Media server melaksanakan fungsinya yakni, untuk memperkaya softswitch dengan kemampuan media. Jika diperlukan, ini akan mendukung digital signal processing (DSP). Misalnya yakni untuk menanggapi respon suara, tugas itu akan dilakukan oleh media server. Media Video juga akan dilayani oleh suatu Media Server manakala bisa diterapkan.Media akses adalah media yang digunakan oleh jaringan softswitch untuk menjangkau pelanggan. Media akses dapat menggunakan cable modem, leasedcircuit, v.52, DSL, HFC, dan radio akses.
5. Application server
Application server adalah elemen jaringan yang menyediakan aplikasi tambahan di luar fitur teleponi yang membutuhkan server tersendiri, misalnya voice mail, prepaid call, fixed sms, voice VPN ,dll.
6. Operating support system (OSS)
Adalah elemen jaringan yang berfungsi untuk mendukung operasi dan pemeliharaan jaringan, seperti managemen jaringan, provisioning, billing, monitoring,statistik, dll.
- I. Protokol-Protokol pada Softswitch
- Interface untuk jaringan data/IP: Fast Ethernet (2 port)
- Protokol untuk antar softswitch: SIP-T
- Protokol untuk Media Gateway: MGCP atau H.248 (MEGACO)
- Protokol untuk Signaling Gateway: SIGTRAN
- Protokol untuk ke jaringan VoIP: H.323 (Versi 2)
- Protokol untuk Application/Feature/Media Server dan perangkat SIP-phone: SIP
Diposting oleh rizky.pratomo di 20.47
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